Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Iggy Azalea: Click Clack Bang Bang!


If you haven't heard about Iggy from her indy rap video for PU$$Y PU$$Y PU$$Y, you're bound to hear about her soon, for her various projects with T.I, Diplo and Steve Aoki, her campaign with Levis or her hot rump booty.  

Her rocket-rise to fame is pretty much to be expected.  Was she seriously the first one to call a song 'PU$$Y'?? In a mostly male/ black male dominated industry, she's up against a lot, but if she plays her cards right, she'll be one of the first stellar white babes to take over hip hop.  

At 5 foot 9 inches, and beautiful blonde locks, this Australian is bound to be the Misfit Millionaire she aspires to be!

5x5 is diggin hard on Iggy Azalea's style, taking heavy cues from the 1950s and even reppin heart sunglasses and icecream in her PU$$Y vid (a theme dear to 5x5's heart).  

Iggy's gone on record saying that the 50s was her favourite style era. It shows! Stripped bralette top with matching high-waisted skirt!

Iggy reps the barely there bralette, hard. Small boobs? Even better.   

Luscious in lip-printed overall shirt.  

"My outfit can murder bitches"

Geometric booty!

Kill it Iggy! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Love n Care for your Vintage Fur!

5x5 Clothing

Vintage fur: a glamourous yes or political faux pas?

Upon coming back to Canada after mostly avoiding winter for many years, I didn't care much whether it was glamourous or politically correct. I was freezing and needed a solution ASAP! 

Thankfully I found a stellar blue fox fur coat (made in South Korea from Norwegian blue fox) second hand in my city for far less than what it was originally worth. Judging by the design and wear, I bet it was made in the early 80s.  

Although I vaguely feared someone throwing red paint on my fab find, I am consistently stopped on the street by people wanting to touch me....strange but I mostly can't say no to a petting ;)  

So ladies, here's what you need to know about buying and caring for your vintage fur:

  • First, make sure that all seams of the garment are still in tact, and there are no bald patches or scruffy areas. Wear tends to take place around the neckline, cuffs and elbows; rips in the armpits are common.
  • The fur should feel soft and supple, not brittle or waxy.
  • You should pay particular attention to the leather skins under the fur. Stiff, hard or cracked skins point to fur that was not well cared for. But I am told that even stiffened furs can be saved by skilled furriers (fur specialists!).  
  • Look out for yellowing in light coloured furs. You might want to bring your fur into the outdoor light to first make sure it hasn't been yellowed, by cigarette smoke for example. Smell the fur too! It shouldn't smell like mould! 
  • Check for any signs of insects too--little holes and patching.  

Look dreamy and warm!
Caring for your vintage fur:

  • Don't shove your fur in a dank closet with no air. Allow your fur to breath. This includes not storing your fur garment in a plastic bag. This is an ultimate fur no no!
  • Don't carry your purse on your shoulder or any other repeated actions that will wear fur in certain places. 
  • Avoid smokey places (or leave your fur in the car). 
  • Take your fur for cleaning every couple of years, I'm told this is the best way to ensure your fur lasts many winters.
So while you may not like the idea of fur, vintage stores in Toronto like the Public Butter are stocked full of second-hand furs looking for some love!