Quite a departure from our last loose and rawkin’ lady--Wendy O--our next installment of 5x5 GRRL spotlights the iconic French star Brigitte Bardot.
5x5 is smitten with this kitten, even though it may not be because of her career. We know she was in some movies, did some modelling, and that she dabbled in pop music. She began to gain popularity in America as early as the 1950s (!) and has since haunted our fashion subconscious.
Her legacy is nothing to be scoffed at. Ladies, you may not have been struttin’ your beach bods in bikinis if it weren’t for this gal. Or baring your shoulders in loosely draped tops. She had a hand in making gingham popular too-- she wore a pink gingham wedding dress for Pete’s sake!
I would also like to note some of her more daring fashion choices, like the cut-out chainmail minidress and matching headdress she rocks (or rather, chimes) in this video. Makes you think Kate Bush, doesn't it? Only this is from 1967!
But personally, my favourite thing about Bardot is her ability to make you salivate even in just a pair of corduroys and a rough-knit sweater.
5x5 is on the lookout for a GRRL after every girl's heart.
Check out 5x5's Bardot Sweetheart Halter, available for summer 2012 at 5x5Clothing.com
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